Scientific Illiterates

If our citizens do now know about molecules, how can they know about the atoms that bond to produce molecules? It gets worse. How can they know about the nucleus in the center of atoms or the electrons in organized shells outside the nucleus? How can they know of the quarks that make up the proton, neutrons, and electrons? I will not bore you by continuing and showing how these small particles are held together with the fundamental forces of nature.
How can Americans understand the issues of nuclear power? Mr. Bush cannot even correctly pronounce the word “nuclear!” The scientific knowledge concerning radiation and and nuclear energy is beyond most Americans. How can they evaluate the pros and cons of nuclear power?
How can Americans understand the issues surrounding global warming? Mr. Bush and his gang deny the scientific data that show the planet is warming just like his ideas about intelligent design (psuedoscience) and how it should be taught along side natural selection and evolution (science). I am not a meteorologist but the extra warm waters of the
How can Americans understand stem cells and their vast potential to ease human suffering? A person who does not know about atoms and molecules has no way of understanding the complex molecules in living things. Do Americans know that stem cells are not cells? They are the precursors to cells.
How can Americans understand that our earth is finite? Is there an infinite supply of crude oil for thousands of generations to come? Is it okay for Americans, who represent about 7% of the human population, to use 20-30% of all resources from earth including crude oil? Do Americans have any concerns for their children and their grandchildren? Will crude oil be available for them? I think Americans just do not give a damn! Most believe that scientists will rescue them from their problems.
So how then can Americans understand the vastness of our universe, which may not be the only one? We live on a small planet that is part of an average solar system in the outer spiral arm of a non-descript galaxy called the Milky Way. The Milky Way has about 100 billion stars, many of which have solar systems. How many galaxies are in the universe? You guessed it. A good estimate is 100 billion galaxies. Even if you know little about the world, the likelihood that no other life exists in our universe is infinitesimal!
How can Americans understand the big bang and what came before? I will not even comment. I will leave that for another time. For most Americans they can sit in their easy chairs and say “I do not believe it!” This is the end of the story for them. Until we can educate Americans to better understand science and history without the intrusion of mythology, we will continue to decline until we reach third-world status.
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The world thinks that the Afghani poppy crop is a problem that requires massive amounts of intervention and money and the destruction of the plants to prevent the production of heroin. Rather than spend money to destroy the crop and time to convince the farmers they shouldn't grow the only thing that's remotly profitable, why not get them to start converting it into biodiesel? The produce so much poppy seed there that they should be able to yield some significant amount of biodiesel, hopefully enough to respark their economy and help the farmers live free from the influence of the warlords who finance themselves via heroin? Imagine, they could potentially become one of the larger suppliers of diesel to China. Let's do some math quick. This site says that opium poppies yield 124 US gallons/acre and the NY Times reports that there were 321,235 acres of poppy planted in Afghanistan in 2004. That's 39,833,264 US gallons of biodiesel on a conservative estimate. While that's only 10% of the total daily US consumption of oil, it's a significant amount of money for the company, More than $101,000,000 at current US prices for a gallon of diesel. Again, it's just a thought.
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